
Grey gritty skies.
The smell of wet Spring.
Bunches of white lilacs.
Pink roses.
Trees full with small green leaves.
Multi-coloured orchid blossoms on long stems.
Giant palm fronds.
Spring rain like on the coast.


Sun shining-blue skies
Green pines moving in the breeze.
Birds chirping somewhere not so far off.
A seagull is crying.
Tiny leaves greening the trees.
Leafless Sumac trees with old seeds.
A lone squirrel frolicking in a tree.
The first appearance of truly green grass.
A lone pigeon poking about (who is later joined by a puffed-up horny pigeon cooing).


Blue skies
Birds chirping
Leaves on the shrubs
yellow dandilions
green grass
yellow, pink, purple tulips
yellow & pink roses


Sun shining
strong cold wind
clear blue skies
white fluffy Angora rabbit with pink eyes
3 kittens
curious ferret
3 finches
a robin singing
pine trees swaying in the cold wind
tiny green buds on the leafless trees
robins on the grass hunting for worms
2 large black dogs, one barking
a grey squirrel leaping from place to place
bunches of striped tulips in bloom
Easter lily with 5 blooms trumpeting with perfume
dead leaves blowing across the green grass


Purple, pink & yellow pansies quivering lightly
4 rabbits sleeping
the sound of water splashing
Pink parrot Tulips
Purple Hyacinthes
Venus fly traps with mouths open
a bumble bee buzzes about
yellow daffodils
giant palm fronds
yellow & red poinsetta blossoms
giant dusty aloe plant
assorted cactus
orange trumpet flowers dying
banana plant
pink, orange, yellow gerbeas
pink lilies
white Easter lilies with flowers open scenting the world with lightness & goodness
light reflecting off the water on to the underside of a giant banana leaf
Venus glowing on the horizon as the Sun sets for the day


Sun shining.
A gentle, warm breeze
Church bells ringing in the distance
Birds playing in the sky
Four (4) crows sit guard in a leafless tree.
Patches of green grass spreading across the leftover yellow grass of last year
A fat dying Japanese goldfish at the bottom of a tank.
A golden eagle flies soars overhead.
Three eagles play in the distance on the afternoon solartherms
Finches, canaries, cockatiels, budgies, a ferret, an Angora rabbit, a tank filled with a thousand scrambling crickets.
On old black & white cat.
Warm spring winds across the land.
Trees with buds raring to go.
A hazy sun set


Big dog barking in the distance
little black & white birds buzzing about a hanging feeder,
crows in the trees cawing,
freshly plowed fields, brown earth turned over in long lines to meet the Spring sun,
ice thawing on a lake,
sun on my arms,
white & green Orchids,
green Hydrangeas,
fuzzy sheep grazing,
green pines in the sunny forest
a lone crow sits on a post outside the kitchen window
a pit bull lunging at me
old fat cat walking slowly down an alley at night like a Hobo
Easter lily blooms in my face,
yellow pollen staining my shoulder like pigment.