
Sunlight, nice & bright & right.
Starlings flee at my approach.
Red flowerbuds pop out from the geraniums & their wide, flat leaves.
Life abounds, in spite of the low temperature.


Rainbows greet me as I rise.
The softness & sweetness of Mother showing her benefic face of Spring to us all.
Birds happy as pigs in mud, and singing it so.
Blue sky, warm air, the stubble of new growth poking through the wet mantle of last years humus.


The first day of Spring, miraculously arrives again.
A carpet of small, arched snow bells have poked up & out & into the world, oh so white & green & tender.
Tiny purple crocuses with yellow centers ready to spring into action any second now.
Squirrels working very hard it seems, digging & searching & moving earth about.
Cats watching the squirrels, very closely it seems.


Light & warmth release themselves across the morning, into the sky & into the soil & almost everywhere it seems.
Two renegade geese fly overhead, honking as they go.


Wet skies, wet earth.
Black crows flying towards the river against the flat grey screen of a sky.
Dirty islands of old snow reverse themselves into nothing-ness.

The pleasant pleasure of morning sunlight cleaning my eyes & face & life.
The sounds of winter snow melting with the grace of noon.
Chickadees rocking out in the cedar hedge.
Cold, though.


Rays of sunlight push on through the patchy cloud cover, thrusting columns of promise, perhaps.
Birds bubbling with the sounds of morning.
The day warming up into itself.
The tiniest of brown ants catches my eye on the floor.


A street-gang of starlings hang out on a telephone line, while two crows look on from one side.
Diffused & even all-over winter light sits above me, no detail to speak of.
An orange tabby bounces through tracks in the snow, in a hurry, it seems.