
Sky flat & dim like a 30 watt bulb.
10 000 little birds hidden in the green hedge out back chirp & cry & clamour for more life.
Broken & shattered ice on the puddles along the way.
Little red teardrop-shaped berries still cling to the the dry stalks of their mother-bush.
Nine (9) crows fly in a strange pattern in a northwest direction.


Sunlight pouring forth across the way.
Earth cold & dusted with frost.
An orange tabby slinks past the bedroom window.
The air is clean & crisp & somehow refined by the low temperature.


Snow is general across the land.


Ice on the puddles & all over the way.
The last white daisies cling to stubborn green stems.
Sky opening & closing & maybe a little unsure which way to go.


Tiny cherry tomatoes clinging to the vine on the plant in the kitchen.
Far away flat sun.


A flock of loud starlings sit in the top branches of the big tree out back, all facing the settting sun.
The black & white alley cat prowls around the base of the thick tree.
Moonlight reflected in the big puddle.


The sky is flat & the air is still.
Muddy earth under foot.
Bare trees on the mountain, in the distance, blending into dark shades.
A strange lavender mist cloaks the trees shortly before sunset.
Moonrise sharp & clear


Chill in the air.
Moon rises.
Sky clear & cold.


Big black crow drinking from a puddle in the alley out back.
Sunlight twinkling like little bells off the surface of the slow river.
Wind whispering its way through the long mottled grass.
Bolts of yellow leaves still clinging to the bare trees triumphant in the November sun.
Two chinchillas snuggled together like lovers or brothers or both.
Fringed canary singing love songs for my benefit.
Clouds drift leisurely through Sunday's blue sky.


Double rainbow arching over the whole world almost down by the cold river as the the light turns super-natural before putting itself to bed.
Yellow leaves twitching in the electric light of the setting sun.
A small dog runs up a small hill.
Clusters of red berries remain on a a bare tree.
A black & white run-away cat tears off through the long grass.